Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eco Friendly Home Improvements & Randomness...

'Good morning!! 

I'm back from vacation and must admit it has been a tough morning at the office.  I came back hoping to find a few signed contracts on my chair but was quickly told I needed to do a bit more work before that was to happen. :(  Why can't my clients just sign on the dotted line??  Oh well, it's going to work out in the long run.  I just find myself getting really worried since I have only 5 months to sell as much as I can before maternity leave starts.  I need to stop thinking about the deadline and start living day-to-day.  It will probably make life at work easier. 

On a similar note, I just started reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  It's about her journey to happiness.  Gretchen challenges herself each month to focus on tasks that will ease her life and provide more joy such as cleaning out the clutter and focusing on her relationships (husband, family & friends).  So far it's a great read and a very good reminder that it's what we do on a daily basis that matters not what we do every once in a while.  Pick it up if you're looking for something a little different.  You don't have to be depressed to add more happiness to your life.  I think it's also a great way to start the fall season (not that we are there yet but it's coming soon).  I always consider fall the start of a new year.  There is something about it that is so fresh.  LOVE IT!

Below are pictures I captured of my parents new rain barrels.  Dad purchased them on sale at Loblaws.  For $100 (2 barrels) they can capture rain water for the garden.  In the end it will save them on future water bills and they will get by when we have a drought and there is a water ban (it happens every summer at some point).

What do you do in order to save money and be environmentally friendly? 

Have a great day!! 

1 comment:

  1. I saw the nice mention of my book, The Happiness Project, here! I very much appreciate those kind words and you shinning a spotlight on my work!! Thanks and best wishes,


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