Monday, July 5, 2010

The Cottage

I hope you all had a fabulous long weekend!!  I enjoyed my time in Kingston with the family.  We shared delicious meals at home and at my favourite restaurant (If you're ever in Kingston you must go to Wooden Heads!), watched movies (The Step Father seen during the day but I still screamed my head off!) and relaxed on the cottage dock by the lake.  It was glorious!!  We didn't want to leave the cottage.  Especially with a long drive back to the city ahead of us (3 hours turned into 4 hours and 45 minutes!).  Today I got to thinking about what makes a cottage for me. 

It isn't having a huge designer home like this one.  Don't get me wrong, if I won the lotto I would consider upgrading to accomodate all our family members.

For me it's about spending time with the family doing what we've always done at the cottage.  Relaxing by the lake, enjoying delicious BBQ'd meals and laughing at each other as we become cheerleaders in the water or remembering funny events from the past.  The family cottage holds so many memories.  We've been going there since I was a little girl.  My dad has been going ever since he was a little boy.  Over the years the cottage has expanded thanks to our talented and handy grandfather but has always kept it's charm.  For instance my first bathing suit still hangs in the enclosed porch with old fishing rods.  The cottage brings us all back to the carefree days of our childhood.  

The back porch of the cottage is a bit dark.  My Nana and I have been dreaming of painting some of it white to brighten things up a bit.  I love the porch below.  It's durable and fresh.  I could definitely have lunch here in my bathing suit.  :)

What did you get up to on the weekend?  How did you celebrate Canada Day or The fourth of July? 

1 comment:

  1. I had a fabulous weekend in the sun with the fam...I wish I could do it all over again!
    Great blog :)


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