Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope all of my American readers have a wonderful day spent with their family and friends. Eat until you can't eat anymore, travel safely and just enjoy!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Glitz & Glamour
I adore Stella & Dot Jewellery! They have a great mix of classic and modern pieces. Here is a selection of my current obsessions. Ryan, anyone of these would make a great Christmas and or push present! :) Just and FYI...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Client Project Update
It's another insane day at work. Seriously, aren't I supposed to be slowling down and not picking up speed before maternity leave??? Luckily I love being busy and it makes the time fly by.
On Sunday Paula and I shopped fabric samples for her living room. We were looking for drapery and pillows. We came away from InVu Drapery with a large selection of gorgeous fabrics. Below is what we narrowed the selection down to.
This is the one we are going with. The large sample will be the drapes. The smaller samples are for pillows.
This was another option that was seriously being considered but we like #1 more.
This is the fabric for a large bench that will be placed in front of their fireplace. I don't have a picture of the bench anymore. It would fit about 6 people sitting on it back to back. Great for entertaining! It looks much less brown in person.
On Sunday Paula and I shopped fabric samples for her living room. We were looking for drapery and pillows. We came away from InVu Drapery with a large selection of gorgeous fabrics. Below is what we narrowed the selection down to.
This is the one we are going with. The large sample will be the drapes. The smaller samples are for pillows.
This was another option that was seriously being considered but we like #1 more.
This is the fabric for a large bench that will be placed in front of their fireplace. I don't have a picture of the bench anymore. It would fit about 6 people sitting on it back to back. Great for entertaining! It looks much less brown in person.
Next steps:
- Order the drapes and pillows which will take about 6-8 weeks (just like everything in Toronto)
- Find and purchase end tables
- Find and purchase cabinet
- Art work - this is in progress.
- Accessorize
- Purchase tall plants for near the window
We hope to have this room completely purchased for by the time Jelly Bean arrives. Then it will just be a matter of putting it all together.
Back to work for me. I was supposed to go to an event store opening tonight but it looks like I'll be working instead. Boo! :(
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Kyleen's Nursery
I'm swamped today so this is going to be quick. My dear friend Kyleen is expecting her first baby sometime this week. I'm so excited for her and can't wait to meet her soon-to-be daughter. For now, we all get to check out the beautiful nursery Kyleen and her husband Andrew put together. I think it looks fabulous!! I especially love the wall colour, decal with hot pink birdies and the mirrored butterflies from Pottery Barn.
*Please ask permission to use any of the photos in this post.
Good luck waiting for your new arrival and during the labour and delivery Kyleen! Ryan and I are thinking of you both and can't wait to share the experience of being first time parents together. xo
Monday, November 22, 2010
Dining Room Reading
How much do I love book shelves in the dining room? A lot!!! The idea of being surrounded by novels that allow you to escape the daily grind, the great reads that inspire you, it's magical. If I could, I would have book shelves in every room. They bring warmth to a room, making it less formal.
Katie Lydon
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Canadian Design Blogger's Night Out
Thank you to our hosts and sponsors last night. The event was wonderful!! I met so many lovely bloggers. There was great conversation a lot of laughter. Who knew there were so many of us in and around Toronto. I do hope we can continue getting to know one another and supporting eachothers work and blogs.
xo Sarah
xo Sarah
Friday, November 19, 2010
I'm still here!
Hi! I have no excuse other than I have had no inspiration this week. I would start a post and then get frustrated and scrap it. It's been one of those weeks where I can't make up my mind, feel slow, tired, uncomfortable and a bit cranky to be honest. Thank goodness for weekends where I can reenergize. My mom and grandma are visiting tonight. I can't wait to show grandma our home and host both of them for the night. Ryan is making cookies as we speak. There is nothing like greeting guests with freshly baked goodies. We'll spend the evening catching up and maybe watch a movie. Tomorrow, breakfast and then they are off to spend the rest of the weekend with my mom's siblings. I get to meet up with Paula to shop for fabric. We have chosen red as the accent colour in the living room. I can't wait to see what our options are for cushions, throws and drapes.
Saturday night will be a blast!! I'm headed to the Toronto blogger party. I won't lie, I'm a wee bit nervous to meet the friends I've made over the internet and those who I admire from afar.
Today I leave you with these rooms from Jeffrey Bilhuber. I'm amazed at this first room with what looks like nail head trim against either wall paper or fabric. Either way I love it!! The precision in putting this together is mind boggling.

...again dying with the details on the walls!
Love the drapes, especially the colour and the artwork above the sofa. It's so different!
A chandelier in the shape of a ship, brilliant and totally unexpected!
I wish you all a very good weekend. See you next week! xo
Saturday night will be a blast!! I'm headed to the Toronto blogger party. I won't lie, I'm a wee bit nervous to meet the friends I've made over the internet and those who I admire from afar.
Today I leave you with these rooms from Jeffrey Bilhuber. I'm amazed at this first room with what looks like nail head trim against either wall paper or fabric. Either way I love it!! The precision in putting this together is mind boggling.

...again dying with the details on the walls!
Love the drapes, especially the colour and the artwork above the sofa. It's so different!
A chandelier in the shape of a ship, brilliant and totally unexpected!
I wish you all a very good weekend. See you next week! xo
Monday, November 15, 2010
Nursery Update Part 2
Hello friends & family. I hope everyone had a great weekend! We were very productive! The nursery stripes have been completed and they look awesome! It was a team effort, I measureed and taped, Ryan painted 3 coats on the wall (you're the best lovie!!).
The crib bedding has been washed. I hope we'll put the crib together on Wednesday night. Before that happens the baseboards need to be cleaned up with a bit of white semi-gloss paint and the back of the nursery door needs a coat. I'll beg Ryan to complete this tonight so we (he) can just get it over with and I will feel like the room is going to be finished before JB arrives. :)
With less than 8 weeks to my due date I'm in full on nesting phase. I want everything in the house to be completed now! The nursery is the most important! The progress could pick up. I have to write thank you notes to all of those who attended my first baby shower and organize the gifts and many boxes of baby stuff given to us by family and friends. The basement needs to be organized. Right now it's a pile of mess. So much to do and so little time!
That's it for now. I might be back again later this aftn. xo
The crib bedding has been washed. I hope we'll put the crib together on Wednesday night. Before that happens the baseboards need to be cleaned up with a bit of white semi-gloss paint and the back of the nursery door needs a coat. I'll beg Ryan to complete this tonight so we (he) can just get it over with and I will feel like the room is going to be finished before JB arrives. :)
With less than 8 weeks to my due date I'm in full on nesting phase. I want everything in the house to be completed now! The nursery is the most important! The progress could pick up. I have to write thank you notes to all of those who attended my first baby shower and organize the gifts and many boxes of baby stuff given to us by family and friends. The basement needs to be organized. Right now it's a pile of mess. So much to do and so little time!
That's it for now. I might be back again later this aftn. xo
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nursery In Progress...
Yeah it's Friday!!! :) It's a good day at work (so far...), mild outside and the weekend is only hours away. Ah, I'm happy. I'm also happy with our nursery progress. Last night Ryan and I put up the chandelier. It was another memorable experience. I think Ryan was cursing it every minute for the 45 minutes that it took us to put up. If I purchase another one anytime soon he might just take it back to the store when I'm not looking. There has been so much going on with the house for the last few months. It's time for a break. But not before we get the nursery in order. I have measured and taped 3/4 of the room. I will finish tonight and purchase the paint tomorrow morning. Hopefully we'll have a big reveal on Monday or Tuesday. :) Fingers crossed.
Check out our progress...
Items required for creating the horizontal lines. I taped the level to the ruler so I know my lines will be straight.
The walls look dirty in this photo for some reason. The back of the door still needs another coat of white gloss paint.
Check out our progress...
Items required for creating the horizontal lines. I taped the level to the ruler so I know my lines will be straight.
The walls look dirty in this photo for some reason. The back of the door still needs another coat of white gloss paint.
And here is our gorgeous chandelier. I love it!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rustic Living
These two rooms by Kathleen Rivers have been filed under 'future country home' or 'future ski lodge'. My love list: grey doors and balconies flanking the fireplace, Circa Lighting pendant, double height ceiling, wood beams, canvas above the fireplace in spring colours, french doors and harvest table with comfortable chairs. I want to buy this place and plop it down in Whistler. I guess I'll also need a jet to take me to and from as often as I want. A few million in the bank would also help with this pipe dream!
House Beautiful
Have a great day! xoxo
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Jonathan Adler Nursery
I meant to post this yesterday but totally forgot. The days just seem to fly by and then I get home and I'm exhausted! I love the bold blue wall and colourful art and modern elements in this nursery. The orange zebra rug completes the room and really brings it to life.
We haven't made any progress on the nursery this week. Tonight will have to be productive! I really want to get the stripes on the wall and the furniture set up.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fresh Start - Home Depot Surprise
I know I'm hours late in posting. It's just been one of those Mondays. The weekend was great! Very busy. I did manage to purchase the nursery items off my list but nothing else was completed.
A friend of mine (Jane) introduced me to her latest find - Home Depot headboards! Check it out. They looks gorgeous online. The only down side is you cannot look at the fabric selection in person BUT if you don't like the finished product it's fully returnable! :) The price doesn't get much better either $279 - $519 for a king.
A friend of mine (Jane) introduced me to her latest find - Home Depot headboards! Check it out. They looks gorgeous online. The only down side is you cannot look at the fabric selection in person BUT if you don't like the finished product it's fully returnable! :) The price doesn't get much better either $279 - $519 for a king.
Tomorrow I'll update you on the nursery. Have a great evening! xo
Friday, November 5, 2010
A Vision of Lime Green & Blue
Good morning! I could not be happier that it's Friday. My weeks are going by fast but they are packed full and the to-do list keeps growing. Hopefully I'll get a lot completed this weekend. On my list of things to do - purchase/order crib mattress, glider, and rug; meet my uncle to go over the sofa, rug and lighting selections for his loft; sketch the horizontal lines on the nursery wall (painting will wait until next week most likely!); purchase white lamp shade for nursery lamp; sand down nursery closet door (it won't shut); dismantle current useless shelf in the same closet to prepare for a paint job and new metal shelves fit for kids. Some of this will obviously be done by Ryan. Thanks lovie! :)
Sunday is my first baby shower hosted by my sister-in-law Aaren and my mother-in-law. I'm so excited and grateful to both of them for organizing it.
The weather is cold, grey and wet today in Toronto. I think this is a great room to inspire us. I can't get enough of tufted sofas like this one. I especially love the colour! The other furniture is kept neutral to balance the sofa colour. You can barely see the back of the shelves but what you do see reveals the same soft lime green as the sofa. Symmetry is key to balancing a room.
I have a very busy work day ahead and then we're dining at my Aunt Karen's place. I can't wait to see it set up because the last time we were there was move in day. Have a great weekend folks! xo
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Dining In The Dark
Lately I've been very attracted to dark and moody rooms. It may be the change in weather or my hibernation instincts taking over. I just love this grey dining room featured in Better Homes & Gardens. Grey and gold might be my new favourite combination! The pairing is luxuriously rich. This room radiates because of the colour combo and by keeping the ceiling, crown mouldings and French doors white.
Have a great day and thanks for reading! :) xo
Have a great day and thanks for reading! :) xo
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Checkerboard Gallery Wall
We are halfway through the week! Woo Hoo!!
I love the way this checkerboard gallery wall looks and how the colours of the room are picked up in the art. Hanging the pictures from the top of the sofa to the ceiling also emphasizes the height of the room. The look is streamlined and has a big impact!
via Decorpad
Have a great day!! It's going to be another tough one at our office but I'm just going keep my head down and work hard.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monkeying Around The Nursery
I really like the idea of using vinyls on our nursery wall to add colour and a bit of whimsy to the room. This is one of them that we will purchase.
Via Etsy
The letters will be in turquoise, the leaves in spring green and monkeys in light brown and beige.
I'm also considering this one but I'm not sure where I'll put it. It's a small room and I don't want to feel overwhelmed with decals.
I've chosen the green paint for the stripes on the wall. Did I mention I changed my mind AGAIN from light turquoise horizontal stripes around the entire room floor to ceiling to a leaf green strip from floor to mid wall, stripes get thinner as we go up the wall? I can't remember anything anymore. (Will my brain power ever return?) Once we start that process I will be sure to take photos and document it.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Fresh Start Monday - Kardashian Inspiration
Morning! I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a lovely day on Saturday and then suffered with a stomach bug yesterday. I'm still at home recovering. So today let's get inspired with Kloe Kardashians home office. It is very sexy! Working from this office all day long might actually help my sales. Wish I could try a change of venue but I doubt the boss will pay for it.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
Image via Decorpad
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