Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Essentials


I'm in Kingston enjoying time with family and friends.  This will be my last post of 2009 because I'm headed to the UK for a two week holiday with my hubby.  We'll be visiting family and touring Scotland for 9 days and then enjoying the sites in London, England.  We are very excited!!  I can't wait to share the pictures with you when we return.  

For now, I will leave you with my Christmas essentials…

1. Champagne and orange juice for Christmas morning & Bailey's for Christmas Eve. 

2. Brand new comfy PJs.

3. A gorgeous Christmas tree decorated by mom who always does such a great job!

4. My family all together!  I missed Christmas Eve & morning last year.  We spent it with my in-laws (who I love) but it just wasn't the same.  I'm such a traditional girl and don't like change much. 

Here is a picture of all of us a few summers ago.  I don't have a more recent family picture with Ryan in it.

5. The famous Doyle stuffing/dressing.  It's honestly the absolute best!!! I'll give you the recipe later. 

6. Gifts for my family.  I can't wait to see their faces light up!! :)

7. A dog bone to keep Cooper occupied while we enjoy a drool free zone.  (This is him looking at my sister like she was crazy for leaving him out in the snow.  He's a big baby!)

8. White Christmas playing in the background.  I love Bing!  (Here is a shot of one of my favourite scenes.  It makes me giggle just thinking about it.)

That's all I can think of at the moment.  Most of this is trivial.  What matters is that we are all healthy and together.  I am very blessed!  I have a good job, a supporting family, a very loving husband (I can't believe we've been married 8 months now!), a cozy apartment, I can afford to travel and I have the best friends you can ask for. 

Thank you to all of you for reading my blog.  When I started this I had no idea where it would take me.  The last four months have been wonderful!  I look forward to what it will bring in 2010.  XO


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