Monday, March 7, 2011

A little green and a bit tired!

Hello!  The last week has been crazy. I had such good intentions of posting but never even got a chance.  Thomas had his first set of immunization shots last Tuesday.  Since then he has been a bit cranky, had an upset tummy and very tired.  During the day he has refused to sleep on his own.  He only wants to be in my arms and will sleep for about 10 minutes at a time and then he cries again and we have to go turn on the stove fan (it's very loud and calms him down).  Over the weekend he slept longer in my arms but would not sleep on his own for very long.  I think I've gotten into a bad habbit because he wouldn't fall asleep on his own last night in his crib (he normally goes down before 8pm and falls asleep on his own). Last night he cried, fussed, cooed... it was a long night.  Finally at 10:30pm we had to let him cry it out.  It only took 15 minutes of us letting him know we are there for him without picking him up for him to fall asleep.  It was hard on me!  Hate to see him cry.  I know it was a good thing though.

It's amazing how exhausting caring for a nine week old can be.  Some days I have done nothing but rock him to sleep during the day, hold him all day long, calm him down, play with him, feed him, change him, sometimes change myself because I have puke on me, and put a load of laundry on.  That's it!  These tasks sound like they wouldn't take much time but they do.  It's my entire day! I have so much respect for all moms around the world.

Today was my first day of exercising in 10 months.  I woke up at 6:15am for an hour of yoga.  Exactly what I needed.  I feel great now.  It will help me throughout my day.  The plan is to exercise 4x a week.  Wish me luck!

Right, the little man is getting upset.  Time to play with him. But before I go, I leave you with this kitchen.  I love it.  It's not a big grandiose designer kitchen.  It's achievable for us every day folks.  I love it's simplicity and the beige and green scheme. Mom I thought of you when I saw it.

Have a great day! xo


  1. Hey Sarah, congrats! I too have a new little man that is keeping me busy (the first three months can be a doozy, but it does get easier, I promise). Sleep will come some day, even though it is hard crying it out worked for me and Jude (I bawled the first time I let him cry). If you want to meet my young men, check out

  2. oops, meant


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